Red Thread
Originally uploaded by Clinton_Hayden
I love how the colours on the jacket draw attention to the light in the back....
too good...
it's just awesome.
Hana and Britney both have amazing eyes for imagery... I just love it...
Looky what I bought on Ebay. I love them. I'm going to photograph
people with them. or something. they are quite large, about the size
of a human head!
I can't wait till they get here... you can take them apart and see
the nerves!
I drew this on a hot day with a fountain pen, used my thumb smudge it in the heat...
I'm doing my first oil painting... it's hard trying to remember all the colour rules on top of learning a new medium...
I'm starting a book of collected images I like for things to look at, Audrey Kawasaki has inspired me to do so, I wrote her a few months ago and she wrote me back... I was having a whine about not working on stuff, she told me of a similar predicament she was in once... her advice has helped alot, I'm working again...
I like to look at where other people do there stuff, so I thought I'd post mine to be fair...
I really like the texture and the colours... it's wet, transparent and solid at the same time, stark and clean but dirty. I'm really getting into it...I'm getting a bit obsessed with Laika, the space dog... I saw someone had done a painting of her in a shop, really hap-hazard painting technically but I'm in love with it.
I'm preparing for a show in february. I've done a few marquets of what I'm planning to do, now for the real deal. I'm kinda nervous. I think I need to visit the art store...