Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I made it through the wildernesssssss

I've just finished watching American Teen. Made me realize a couple of
things about what happened to me end of high school. I only applied to
one university, and got in on the same day I had my interview. I'd
been wanting to go to this uni since I was in year 7, so a good 5
years later when I actually was of age and could I apply, I was so
shocked that I got in i miss heard them and had to call them back two
days later just to check.

I lived in a pretty shit country town like the kids in the
documentary. It seems like every country town in the world has high
school kids the same: trying to fit in, trying to stand out, trying to
get by. Trying to get out.

I got out. Imagine what would have happened if I didn't get out? I
can't even think about it. How was I so brazen to apply for one
university? what happened to that brazen?
last time I saw him, I was packing my bags and going where absolutely
no one knew me - Manchester UK. Haven't seen him since really.

I never write these blogs... except for art focussed whinging. I guess
I'm just feeling a bit luckier than usual after sitting through that
and realising what I've done since high school. got a degree, got my
ass overseas, got my art practice going.. slowly, but steadily. baby
steps. and I'm thankfully I didn't get stuck in that fucked up country

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