Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm nervous, or, Asking strangers to take their photo

I'm a nervous/shy person when it comes to wanting to photograph

I see people all the time who are interesting looking and have some
appeal I would like to photograph, but my shy disposition (even when
tanked) prevents me from asking the question. Last night I got my
friend to ask this guy who looks really interesting if i could
photograph him... but I can't do that all the time.

I think the problem with it is, I don't want to be misconstrued. I
don't want to be seen as hitting on them or being sleazy by asking
"can I photograph you?" I feel like if you are asking that question,
you might be misconstrued that way... which isn't the intention!

how do other people do it? any hints?


so the guy ended up thinking i was totally creepy and wanted a BJ. I'm going to stick to photographing myself.

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